
This page tries to collect the technology relevant things happening in Peppol.

Note: this is not an official "News" page. This is just what I'm collecting...

2024-09-20 - Document Validation extended

Added support for CIUS_RO 1.0.9.
Removed old Peppol rules (v3.5 to 3.9.1) as well as old eFFF Invoice
Changed UBL versions "2.4-cds01" to "2.4".

Added VESIDs are:

  • - CIUS-RO UBL Credit Note 1.0.9
  • - CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.9

2024-09-06 - New page to run the Document Details Determinator (DDD)

A new page on Document Details Determination was added.
It uses the DDD OpenSource library to deduce the VESID (amongst other) things from a business document.
Added support for Peppol Italy rules 3.0.2.

Added VESIDs are:

  • it.peppol:creditnote:3.1 - AGID Peppol Credit Note (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
  • it.peppol:despatch-advice:3.1 - AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
  • it.peppol:invoice:3.1 - AGID Peppol Invoice (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
  • it.peppol:order:3.1 - AGID Peppol Order (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
  • it.peppol:order-agreement:3.1 - AGID Peppol Order Agreement (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)
  • it.peppol:order-response:3.1 - AGID Peppol Order Response (3.1.0) (for BIS 3.0.17)

2024-08-20 - New page on firewall rules

A new page on Peppol specific firewall rules was added.
Additionally, phoss SMP 7.1.5 was released. It supports the Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0 and the Peppol Code Lists v8.9.

2024-07-31 - Document Validation extended

Added Peppol PINT base 1.0.2 rules.
Added Peppol PINT A-NZ 1.0.1 rules.
Added Peppol PINT JP 1.0.2 rules.
Added Peppol PINT SG 1.1.0 rules.
Added UBL.BE 1.31 rules and deprecated 1.30 rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.peppol.pint:credit-note:1.0.2 - OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
  • org.peppol.pint:invoice:1.0.2 - OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
  • org.peppol.pint.aunz:creditnote:1.0.1 - Peppol PINT A-NZ Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
  • org.peppol.pint.aunz:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.1 - Peppol PINT A-NZ Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
  • org.peppol.pint.aunz:invoice:1.0.1 - Peppol PINT A-NZ Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1
  • org.peppol.pint.aunz:invoice-self-billing:1.0.1 - Peppol PINT A-NZ Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.1
  • - Peppol PINT Japan Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.2
  • - Peppol PINT Japan Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
  • - Peppol PINT Singapore Credit Note (UBL) 1.1.0
  • - Peppol PINT Singapore Invoice (UBL) 1.1.0
  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.31 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.31
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.31 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.31

2024-07-30 - phoss SMP 7.1.4

phoss SMP 7.1.4 was released. It supports the Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0 and the Peppol Code Lists v8.9.

2024-07-12 - eDEC Code Lists updated

The latest version v8.9 of the eDEC Code Lists was published at
See the Change Log for the details.

2024-07-08 - Document Validation extended

Added Peppol AU-NZ 1.0.11 rules.
Added Simplerinvoicing 2024-05 rules.
Added OpenPeppol 2024-05 rules.
Added XRechnung 3.0.0 and 3.0.2 rules

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.11 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.11
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.11 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.11
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.11 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.11
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.11 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.11
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii:1.0.3-8 - NLCIUS-CII
  • dk.oioubl:application-response:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Application Response 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-deletion:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-item-specification-update:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-pricing-update:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-request:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:credit-note:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Credit Note 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:invoice:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Invoice 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:order:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Order 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-cancellation:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-change:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Order Change 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-response:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Order Response 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-response-simple:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:reminder:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Reminder 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:statement:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Statement 1.14.2
  • dk.oioubl:utility-statement:1.14.2 - OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.14.2
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:2024.5 - OpenPeppol MLR (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-cancellation:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-change:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order Change (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order Response (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response-advanced:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:2024.5 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (2024.5) (aka BIS 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:2024.5 - OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2024.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.17)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:2024.5 - OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2024.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.17)
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.9 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.9
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0.3-9 - Simplerinvoicing Credit Note
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0.3-9 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • de.xrechnung:cii:3 - XRechnung CII 3
  • de.xrechnung:cii:3.0.2 - XRechnung CII 3.0.2
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:3 - XRechnung UBL Credit Note 3
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:3.0.2 - XRechnung UBL Credit Note 3.0.2
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:3 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 3
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:3.0.2 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.2

2024-06-14 - Extended REST API

Added a new REST API to check for the existence of a participant on the Peppol Network See the REST API page for details.

2024-05-24 - Document Validation extended

Deprecated AGID Peppol 2.3 rules.
Added support for CEN EN 16931 1.3.12 rule set and deprecated 1.3.10.
Removed the OIUBL 2.0.2 rules, because the version number is misleading and contains old rules.
Added Support for SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice 2023.12

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.12 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.12
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.12 - EN 16931 UBL Credit Note 1.3.12
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.12 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.12
  • - SG Peppol BIS3 Credit Note (UBL) 2023.12
  • - SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 2023.12

2024-04-30 - First OpenPeppol conference approaching

Please follow the link to the conference registration page to book your place:

The conference programme has been updated as new speakers have been confirmed. The latest programme is attached, and will continue be updated on the Peppol website here:

2024-04-24 - phoss SMP 7.1.2

phoss SMP 7.1.2 was released. It supports the Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0 and the Peppol Code Lists v8.8.

2024-04-22 - Updated Peppol eDEC specifications

OpenPeppol today released the eDEC Code Lists v8.8 were released. All details as usual on

2024-03-29 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Peppol PINT Malaysia rules 1.0.0
Updated the Peppol Network Reporting validation rules
Removed deprecated Peppol Network Reporting validation rules

Added VESIDs are:

  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-cancellation:3.0.3 - EHF Advanced Order Cancellation 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-change:3.0.3 - EHF Advanced Order Change 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-initiation:3.0.3 - EHF Advanced Order Initiation 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-response:3.0.3 - EHF Advanced Order Response 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:catalogue:3.0.3 - EHF Catalogue 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:catalogue-response:3.0.3 - EHF Catalogue Response 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:despatch-advice:3.0.2 - EHF Despatch Advice 3.0.2
  • no.ehf.g3:forward-billing-creditnote:3.0.3 - EHF Forward Billing Credit Note 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:forward-billing-invoice:3.0.3 - EHF Forward Billing Invoice 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:order:3.0.3 - EHF Order 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:order-agreement:3.0.3 - EHF Order Agreement 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:order-response:3.0.3 - EHF Order Response 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:payment-request:3.0.2 - EHF Payment Request 3.0.2
  • no.ehf.g3:punch-out:3.0.3 - EHF Punch Out 3.0.3
  • no.ehf.g3:reminder:3.0.3 - EHF Reminder 3.0.3
  • dk.oioubl:application-response:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Application Response 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-deletion:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-item-specification-update:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-pricing-update:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-request:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:credit-note:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Credit Note 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:invoice:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Invoice 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:order:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Order 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-cancellation:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-change:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Order Change 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-response:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Order Response 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:order-response-simple:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:reminder:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Reminder 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:statement:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Statement 1.13.2
  • dk.oioubl:utility-statement:1.13.2 - OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.13.2
  • - Malaysia PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.0
  • - Malaysia PINT Credit Note Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.0
  • - Malaysia PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.0
  • - Malaysia PINT Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.0
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.5 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.5
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.5 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.5

2024-02-28 - Added Participant Check

This site was extended with a new functionality to simply check, if a Participant is contained in the Peppol Network or not. It works for the Peppol Production and the Test/Pilot Network.
Give it a try. Additionally a specific lookup for Belgium is also available.

2024-02-27 - phoss SMP 7.1.1

phoss SMP 7.1.1 was released. It fixes some security issues and removes expired, unused certificates from the trust store.

2024-02-19 - Document Validation extended

XRechnung 3.0.1 rules updated to reference EN 16931 rules 1.3.11 (was 1.3.10).
Added support for Peppol A-NZ 1.0.10 release.
Added support for Peppol Italy rules 3.0.2.
Added support for Peppol PINT rules 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.10 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.10
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.10 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.10
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.10 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.10
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.10 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.10
  • it.peppol:creditnote:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Credit Note (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • it.peppol:despatch-advice:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • it.peppol:invoice:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Invoice (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • it.peppol:order:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Order (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • it.peppol:order-agreement:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Order Agreement (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • it.peppol:order-response:3.0.2 - AGID Peppol Order Response (3.0.2) (for BIS 3.0.14)
  • org.peppol.pint:credit-note:1 - OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.0
  • org.peppol.pint:credit-note:1.0.1 - OpenPeppol PINT Credit Note (UBL) 1.0.1
  • org.peppol.pint:invoice:1 - OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.0
  • org.peppol.pint:invoice:1.0.1 - OpenPeppol PINT Invoice (UBL) 1.0.1

2024-01-10 - OCSP problems continue - phase4 update

Unfortunately the problems of calling an OCSP server from Java applications persist and seems to affects Java 17.0.4 and later as well as Java 21 (all versions). Java 11 does not seem to be affected. See GitHub issue for technical details. Therefore, an updated version of peppol-commons (9.2.3) as well as an updated version of phase4 (2.7.2) was made available, that changes the default revocation check from OCSP to CRL.

Due to some other security and interoperability improvements it is recommended to update to phase4 2.7.2 or later.

2024-01-01 - New Peppol Specifications activated

  • Peppol Business Message Envelope (SBDH) v2.0.1 specification is in effect
  • Peppol Reporting specifications are in effect - collect in January, report from February onwards
  • Peppol Policy for use of Identifiers v4.2.0 is in effect

All the Peppol specifications can be found at

2023-12-14 - Documentation on MLR was added

A general overview of Peppol MLR (Message Level Response) was added.

2023-12-11 - phoss SMP 7.1.0

phoss SMP 7.1.0 was released. It supports the Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0 and the Peppol Code Lists v8.7.

2023-12-10 - Document Validation extended

Added support for SimplerInvoicing 2023-11 rule set.
Added support for Peppol 2023 November release.
Added support for updated Peppol Reporting rule set.

Added VESIDs are:

  • cz.isdoc:isdoc:6.0.2 - ISDOC 6.0.2
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii:1.0.3-7 - NLCIUS-CII
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:2023.11 - OpenPeppol MLR (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-cancellation:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-change:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order Change (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order Response (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response-advanced:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:2023.11 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (2023.11) (aka BIS 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:2023.11 - OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2023.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.16)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:2023.11 - OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2023.11) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.16)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.4 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.4
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.8 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.8
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0.3-8 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0.3-8 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice

2023-11-21 - Updated Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0 public

OpenPeppol today released an updated Peppol SMP specification 1.3.0. This is a minor version update over the previous 1.2.0 specification and changes the signature and digest algorithms from SHA-1 to SHA-256. Additionally the eDEC Code Lists v8.7 were released. All details as usual on

2023-11-07 - Document Validation extended

Due to technical reasons, the trailing zeroes were removed from VESID versions. So 2.3.0 is now 2.3 only. However, no issues during querying are expected.
Added support for CEN EN 16931 1.3.11 rule set.
Added support for updated Peppol Reporting rule set.
Added support for updated Peppol BIS 3 Singapore rule set.
Added support for XRechnung 3.0.1 rule sets

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.11 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.11
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.11 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.11
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.11 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.11
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.2 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.2 (Deprecated)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.3 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.3 (Deprecated)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.4 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.4
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.1 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.1 (Deprecated)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.2 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.2 (Deprecated)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.3 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.3
  • - SG Peppol BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 2023.7
  • - SG Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 2023.7
  • de.xrechnung:cii:3.0.1 - XRechnung CII 3.0.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:3.0.1 - XRechnung UBL CreditNote 3.0.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:3.0.1 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 3.0.1

2023-09-07 - Document Validation extended

Added support for SETU Timecard format

Added VESIDs are:

  • nl.setu:timecard:1.4 - SETU Timcard 1.4

2023-07-03 - Document Validation extended

Updated XRechnung 2.3.1 rule set.
Added support for Peppol A-NZ-PEPPOL 1.0.9 rule set.
Added support for SimplerInvoicing 2023-05 rule set.
Added support for Peppol 2023 May release.
Added support for selected Dutch SETU standards.
Added support for Peppol End User Statistics Report 1.1.0

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.9 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.9
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.9 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.9
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.9 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.9
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.9 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.9
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:2023.5 - OpenPeppol MLR (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-cancellation:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order Cancellation (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-change:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order Change (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order Response (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response-advanced:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Order Response Advanced (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:2023.5 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (2023.5) (aka BIS 3.0.11)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:2023.5 - OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (2023.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.15)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:2023.5 - OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (2023.5) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.15)
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.0.1 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.0.1
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.1.0 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.1.0
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.7 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.7
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice

2023-06-30 - OpenPeppol Reporting release

The Peppol End Users Statistics Reporting Technical Specification v1.1.0 has been released today. It is an error correction version that replaces version 1.0.0, released on April 14th, 2023.
The new specification can be found at
A detailed explanation on the reason for the need for error correction and how this has been implemented in the End Users Statistics Reporting Technical Specification v1.1.0 will follow shortly. We will also invite members to presentations and webinars to elaborate further and answer questions.
The Managing Committee has set the implementation period to 6 months after the last date of publication, therefore both the End Users Statistics Reporting v1.1.0 and the Transaction Statistics Reporting v1.0.1 become mandatory as of 1 January 2024. This means that January 2024 will be the first Statistics Reporting Period and the first Statistics Reports must be submitted in early February 2024.

2023-06-30 - OpenPeppol PINT release

We are pleased to inform you that the OpenPeppol Managing Committee, at its meeting on 20th June 2023, decided to:

  • Approve the technical specifications and policies of PINT and Wildcard to be formally released as of July 1st, 2023, thereby allowing them to be used in production on the Peppol Network.
  • Approve a migration process where, PINT and Wildcard being optional as of July 1st, 2023, in all jurisdictions, with the understanding that switching over to mandatory use will be a decision that Peppol Authorities may take for their own jurisdictions in their own time.
  • Approve, in principle, the establishment of a Cross-regional Coordination Board, which will be involved, together with PoAC, in the change management procedures around PINT. The OO should be instructed to work with relevant stakeholders and propose to the MC a mandate for this body.
  • Request that all stakeholder communities to engage in extensive consultation so that the transition period of migrating into PINT takes place in a manner that enjoys consensus support.
  • Instruct the Operating Office to support Peppol Authorities and Service Providers throughout this process.
The introduction of PINT marks a significant milestone in the global adoption of Peppol, and is expected to bring important benefits to the Association and its members.
The final version of PINT was approved by the PoAC CMB on June 15th, 2023 and the PINT BIS Billing specifications can be found here:
The Use of Wildcard in Discovery – Peppol Policy for use of identifiers v4.2.0, was approved by the eDEC CMB on June 16th, 2023. The policy for the use of identifiers (now including Wildcard) can be found here:

2023-06-30 - Updated OpenPeppol Membership Fees

The new membership fees can be found at and will apply from January 1st 2024 to all current members that joined before July 1st 2023. They will also apply to all new members joining from July 1st 2023 onwards.

2023-05-01 - Document Validation extended

Added support for CEN EN 16931 1.3.10 rule set.
Added support for Energie EFactuur 3.1.0 rule set.
Added support for Japan PINT Invoice 0.1.2 rule set.
Added support for SimpleInvoicing 2023-03 rule set.
Added support for Peppol Reporting rule set.
Added support for UBL 2.4-CSD01 rule set.
Added support for XRechnung 2.3.1 rule set.
Added support for fatturaPA 1.2.2 rule set.
Deprecated a few old formats.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.10 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.10
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.10 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.10
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.10 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.10
  • nl.energie-efactuur:energie-efactuur:3.1.0 - Energie eFactuur 3.1.0
  • - Japan PINT Credit Note (UBL) 0.1.2
  • - Japan PINT Invoice (UBL) 0.1.2
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.6 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.6
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.0.0 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.0.0
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.1 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.1
  • org.oasis-open:applicationresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Application Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:attacheddocument:2.4-cds01 - UBL Attached Document 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:awardednotification:2.4-cds01 - UBL Awarded Notification 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:billoflading:2.4-cds01 - UBL Bill Of Lading 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:businessinformation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Business Information 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:callfortenders:2.4-cds01 - UBL Call For Tenders 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:catalogue:2.4-cds01 - UBL Catalogue 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:cataloguedeletion:2.4-cds01 - UBL Catalogue Deletion 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:catalogueitemspecificationupdate:2.4-cds01 - UBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:cataloguepricingupdate:2.4-cds01 - UBL Catalogue Pricing Update 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:cataloguerequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Catalogue Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:certificateoforigin:2.4-cds01 - UBL Certificate Of Origin 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:commontransportationreport:2.4-cds01 - UBL Common Transportation Report 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:contractawardnotice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Contract Award Notice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:contractnotice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Contract Notice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:creditnote:2.4-cds01 - UBL Credit Note 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:debitnote:2.4-cds01 - UBL Debit Note 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:despatchadvice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Despatch Advice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:digitalagreement:2.4-cds01 - UBL Digital Agreement 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:digitalcapability:2.4-cds01 - UBL Digital Capability 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:documentstatus:2.4-cds01 - UBL Document Status 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:documentstatusrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Document Status Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:enquiry:2.4-cds01 - UBL Enquiry 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:enquiryresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Enquiry Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:exceptioncriteria:2.4-cds01 - UBL Exception Criteria 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:exceptionnotification:2.4-cds01 - UBL Exception Notification 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:exportcustomsdeclaration:2.4-cds01 - UBL Export Customs Declaration 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:expressionofinterestrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Expression Of Interest Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:expressionofinterestresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Expression Of Interest Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:forecast:2.4-cds01 - UBL Forecast 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:forecastrevision:2.4-cds01 - UBL Forecast Revision 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:forwardinginstructions:2.4-cds01 - UBL Forwarding Instructions 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:freightinvoice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Freight Invoice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:fulfilmentcancellation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Fulfilment Cancellation 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:goodscertificate:2.4-cds01 - UBL Goods Certificate 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:goodsitemitinerary:2.4-cds01 - UBL Goods Item Itinerary 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:goodsitempassport:2.4-cds01 - UBL Goods Item Passport 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:guaranteecertificate:2.4-cds01 - UBL Guarantee Certificate 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:importcustomsdeclaration:2.4-cds01 - UBL Import Customs Declaration 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:instructionforreturns:2.4-cds01 - UBL Instruction For Returns 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:inventoryreport:2.4-cds01 - UBL Inventory Report 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:invoice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Invoice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:iteminformationrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Item Information Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:manifest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Manifest 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:order:2.4-cds01 - UBL Order 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:ordercancellation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Order Cancellation 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:orderchange:2.4-cds01 - UBL Order Change 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:orderresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Order Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:orderresponsesimple:2.4-cds01 - UBL Order Response Simple 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:packinglist:2.4-cds01 - UBL Packing List 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:priorinformationnotice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Prior Information Notice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:productactivity:2.4-cds01 - UBL Product Activity 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:proofofreexportation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Proof Of Reexportation 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:proofofreexportationreminder:2.4-cds01 - UBL Proof Of Reexportation Reminder 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:proofofreexportationrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Proof Of Reexportation Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:purchasereceipt:2.4-cds01 - UBL Purchase Receipt 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:qualificationapplicationrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Qualification Application Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:qualificationapplicationresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Qualification Application Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:quotation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Quotation 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:receiptadvice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Receipt Advice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:reminder:2.4-cds01 - UBL Reminder 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:remittanceadvice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Remittance Advice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:requestforquotation:2.4-cds01 - UBL Request For Quotation 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:retailevent:2.4-cds01 - UBL Retail Event 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:selfbilledcreditnote:2.4-cds01 - UBL Self Billed Credit Note 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:selfbilledinvoice:2.4-cds01 - UBL Self Billed Invoice 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:statement:2.4-cds01 - UBL Statement 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:stockavailabilityreport:2.4-cds01 - UBL Stock Availability Report 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tender:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tendercontract:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender Contract 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tenderreceipt:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender Receipt 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tenderstatus:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender Status 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tenderstatusrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender Status Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tenderwithdrawal:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tender Withdrawal 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tendererqualification:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tenderer Qualification 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tendererqualificationresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Tenderer Qualification Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:tradeitemlocationprofile:2.4-cds01 - UBL Trade Item Location Profile 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transitcustomsdeclaration:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transit Customs Declaration 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportexecutionplan:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Execution Plan 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportexecutionplanrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Execution Plan Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportprogressstatus:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Progress Status 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportprogressstatusrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Progress Status Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportservicedescription:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Service Description 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportservicedescriptionrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transport Service Description Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportationstatus:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transportation Status 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:transportationstatusrequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Transportation Status Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:unawardednotification:2.4-cds01 - UBL Unawarded Notification 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:unsubscribefromprocedurerequest:2.4-cds01 - UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Request 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:unsubscribefromprocedureresponse:2.4-cds01 - UBL Unsubscribe From Procedure Response 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:utilitystatement:2.4-cds01 - UBL Utility Statement 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:waybill:2.4-cds01 - UBL Waybill 2.4-cds01
  • org.oasis-open:weightstatement:2.4-cds01 - UBL Weight Statement 2.4-cds01
  • de.xrechnung:cii:2.3.1 - XRechnung CII 2.3.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:2.3.1 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 2.3.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:2.3.1 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.3.1
  • it.fatturapa:invoice:1.2.2 - fatturaPA 1.2.2

2023-04-14 - Peppol Reporting specifications published

The final versions of the Peppol Reporting specifications are now available online. See End User Statistics Reporting specification 1.0.0 and Transaction Statistics Reporting specification 1.0.1. Additionally the Peppol Business Message Envelope specification 2.0.0 was published.
The is no obligation yet to collect and transmit these reports. The necessary details will follow.

2023-04-13 - Release of phase4 2.0.0

phase4 2.0.0 is a minor update to the 1.4.x series. The main difference is the minimum requirement of Java 11 and JakartaEE 9 as the baseline, so requiring Apache Tomcat v10.0.x or Jetty 11.x as the minimum.
See release on GitHub.

2023-04-12 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.5.1 release

The new version 8.5.1 of the code lists is available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

2023-02-24 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.4 release

The new version 8.4 of the code lists is available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

2023-01-23 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.3.1 release

The new version 8.3.1 of the code lists is available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

2022-12-23 - Document Validation extended

Updated the page and removed some out of date information, updated links etc.
Added support for A-NZ Peppol Invoice types 1.0.8.
Added support for Romanian CIUS rule set 1.0.8.
Added support for Peppol 2022-11 rule set (as 3.15.0).
Added support for UBL.BE 1.30 rule sets.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.8 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.8
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.8 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.8
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.8 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.8
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.8 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.8
  • - CIUS-RO UBL CrediteNote 1.0.8
  • - CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.8
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-cii:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol CII Invoice (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.15.0) (aka BIS 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.15.0 - OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (3.15.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.14)
  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.30 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.30
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.30 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.30

2022-11-21 - Document Validation extended

Added support for CEN EN 16931 1.3.9 rule set.
Added support for OIOUBL 1.13.0 rule set.
Added support for Peppol Reporting rule set.
Added support for SimpleInvoicing 2022-11 rule set.
Added support for ebInterface 6.1 rule set.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.9 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.9
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.9 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.9
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.9 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.9
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII
  • dk.oioubl:application-response:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Application Response 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Catalogue 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-deletion:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-item-specification-update:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-pricing-update:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-request:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:credit-note:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Credit Note 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:invoice:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Invoice 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:order:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Order 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:order-cancellation:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:order-change:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Order Change 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:order-response:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Order Response 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:order-response-simple:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:reminder:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Reminder 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:statement:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Statement 1.13.0
  • dk.oioubl:utility-statement:1.13.0 - OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.13.0
  • eu.peppol.reporting:eusr:1.0.0-RC2 - Peppol End User Statistics Report v1.0.0-RC2
  • eu.peppol.reporting:tsr:1.0.0 - Peppol Transaction Statistics Report v1.0.0
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.5 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.5
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • at.ebinterface:invoice:6.1 - ebInterface 6.1

2022-08-17 - Release of phase4 1.4.0

phase4 1.4.0 is a minor update to the 1.3.x series. The major update is an update of the underlying Apache HttpClient to version 5.x.
See release on GitHub.

2022-09-09 - CEF eDelivery support email address changed

The CEF eDelivery support email address changed. Instead of the old CEF-EDELIVERY-SUPPORT@... you need to use EC-EDELIVERY-SUPPORT@... instead.

2022-07-12 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.2 release

The new version 8.2 of the code lists is available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

Added support for A-NZ Peppol Invoice types 1.0.7.
Added experimental support for the latest OIOUBL artefacts from
Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.7 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.7
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.7 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.7
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.7 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.7
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.7 - A-NZ Peppol BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.7
  • dk.oioubl:application-response:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Application Response 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Catalogue 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-deletion:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Catalogue Deletion 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-item-specification-update:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Catalogue Item Specification Update 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-pricing-update:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Catalogue Pricing Update 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:catalogue-request:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Catalogue Request 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:credit-note:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Credit Note 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:invoice:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Invoice 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:order:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Order 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:order-cancellation:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Order Cancellation 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:order-change:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Order Change 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:order-response:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Order Response 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:order-response-simple:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Order Response Simple 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:reminder:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Reminder 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:statement:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Statement 1.12.3
  • dk.oioubl:utility-statement:1.12.3 - OIOUBL Utility Statement 1.12.3

2022-07-01 - New Peppol Agreements take effect

The new Peppol Agreements enter effect per today. If you are a Peppol Service Provider and haven't re-signed the contract with OpenPeppol, do so immediately. Failing to do so, may result in a certificate revocation in the future.

2022-06-19 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Romanian CIUS rule set.

Added VESIDs are:

  • - CIUS-RO UBL CrediteNote 1.0.3 (Deprecated)
  • - CIUS-RO UBL CrediteNote 1.0.4
  • - CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.3 (Deprecated)
  • - CIUS-RO UBL Invoice 1.0.4

2022-05-25 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.1 release

The new version 8.1 of the code lists is available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

2022-05-17 - phoss SMP 5.7.0

phoss SMP 5.7.0 was released. It improves the database support for Oracle and DB2.

2022-05-09 - Document Validation extended

Added support for CEN EN 16931 1.3.8 rule set.
Added support for Peppol 2022-05 rule set.
Added support for SimpleInvoicing 2022-05 rule set.
Deprecated XRechnung 2.0 and 2.0.1 rule sets.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.8 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.8
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.8 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.8
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.8 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.8
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-cii:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol CII Invoice (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.14.0) (aka BIS 3.0.9)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol UBL Credit Note (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.14.0 - OpenPeppol UBL Invoice (3.14.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.13)
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.4 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.4
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:1.2.4 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.2.4
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • org.simplerinvoicing:order:1.2.4 - Simplerinvoicing Order 1.2.4

2022-03-11 - Updated page

Now the DE4A production certificates are supported in the Participant Information and the new page on Software vendors and solutions was added.

2022-02-24 - phoss SMP 5.6.1

phoss SMP 5.6.1 was released. It provides the necessary changes for the recent OpenPeppol SMP specification updates that are in effect by May 1st.

2022-01-28 - Document Validation extended

Added support for XRechnung 2.2.0 rule sets.
Added support for Peppol Italy 2.3.0 rule sets.

Added VESIDs are:

  • it.peppol:despatch-advice:2.3.0 - AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
  • it.peppol:invoice:2.3.0 - AGID Peppol Invoice (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
  • it.peppol:order:2.3.0 - AGID Peppol Order (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
  • it.peppol:order-agreement:2.3.0 - AGID Peppol Order Agreement (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
  • it.peppol:order-response:2.3.0 - AGID Peppol Order Response (2.3.0) (for BIS 3.0.11)
  • de.xrechnung:cii:2.2.0 - XRechnung CII 2.2.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:2.2.0 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 2.2.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:2.2.0 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.2.0

2022-01-20 - OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists v8.0 release

The new version 8.0 of the code lists is finally available at The detailed list of changes is also available.

2022-01-12 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Peppol AU-NZ rules 1.0.6.
Added support for CIUS-PT rules 2.1.1.
Added support for the Peppol Directory BusinessCard formats.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.6 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.6
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.6 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.6
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.6 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.6
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.6 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.6
  • - CIUS-PT UBL CrediteNote 2.1.1
  • - CIUS-PT UBL Invoice 2.1.1
  • - Peppol Directory BusinessCard v1
  • - Peppol Directory BusinessCard v2
  • - Peppol Directory BusinessCard v3

2022-01-12 - phoss SMP 5.5.3 - mitigate CVE-2021-22569

phoss SMP 5.5.3 was released. This is a security release.

2021-12-23 - Document Validation extended

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it. Happy winter vacations all.
Deprecated Peppol 3.12.0 rule sets.
Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.9 rule sets.
Added support for SimpleInvoicing 2021-11 versions.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.3 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.3
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.9 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.9
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.9 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.9

2021-12-21 - phoss SMP 5.4.5 - mitigate CVE-2021-45105

phoss SMP 5.4.5 was released. This is a security release.

2021-12-14 - phoss SMP 5.4.4 - mitigate Log4Shell / CVE-2021-45046

phoss SMP 5.4.4 was released. This is a security release. Please install it immediately.

2021-12-10 - phoss SMP 5.4.3 - mitigate Log4Shell / CVE-2021-44228

phoss SMP 5.4.3 was released. This is a security release. Please install it immediately.

2021-11-15 - Document Validation extended

Added support for CEN EN 16931 v1.3.7 rule sets.
Added support for Peppol PoAC Fall 2021 versions.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.7 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.7
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.7 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.7
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.7 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.7
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.13.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.13.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.12)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.13.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.13.0) (aka BIS 3.0.8)

2021-11-01 - Peppol PoAC Fall Release 2021 published

The Fall release 2021 will be published on Monday, November 1st and become mandatory on Monday, November 15th.

2021-10-30 - phoss SMP 5.4.1

phoss SMP 5.4.1 was released. This is a bugfix release without new features.

2021-10-14 - Updated CII to UBL conversion

Updated to version 1.4.4 of the conversion rules. This improves the handling of Credit Notes. See the API description.

2021-10-06 - Peppol CTC Reference document published

The first version of the Peppol CTC Reference document was released. See for the details.

2021-09-19 - phoss SMP 5.4.0

phoss SMP 5.4.0 was released. This release finally adds support for Participant Migration between SMPs.

2021-09-03 - Document Validation extended

Added support for more SimplerInvoicing versions.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.2 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.2
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii: - NLCIUS-CII

2021-08-20 - phoss SMP 5.3.3

phoss SMP 5.3.3 was released. This is a minor release that mainly updates the dependencies.

2021-08-12 - Document Validation extended

Added support for XRechnung 2.1.1 rule sets.
Added support for EN 16931 1.3.6a rule sets.
Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.8 rule sets.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.8 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.8
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.8 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.8
  • de.xrechnung:cii:2.1.1 - XRechnung CII 2.1.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:2.1.1 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 2.1.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:2.1.1 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.1.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.6a - EN 16931 CII 1.3.6a
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.6a - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.6a
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.6a - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.6a

2021-07-06 - Document Validation extended

Added support for EN 16931 1.3.6 rule sets.
Added support for PEPPOL AU-NZ rules 1.0.5.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.6 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.6
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.6 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.6
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.6 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.6
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.5 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.5
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.5 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.5
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.5 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.5
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.5 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.5

2021-06-10 - Updated CII to UBL conversion

Updated to version 1.4.2 of the conversion rules. This fixes e.g. the default customization ID. See the API description.

2021-05-10 - Document Validation extended

Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.7 rule sets.
All the UBL 2.3 VESIDs changed from "csd04" to "cs01".

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.7 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.7
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.7 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.7

2021-05-03 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Peppol Spring 2021 release, which is mandatory from May 17th.
Due to issues with the OCSP server since April 18th, sometimes the message certificate revoked is displayed when using the participant information. This statement has been loosened a bit.
phase4 1.3.0 was released.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.12.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.12.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.10)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.12.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.12.0) (aka BIS 3.0.7)

2021-04-03 - Document Validation extended

Added support for EN 16931 validation rules 1.3.4.
Added support for the Italian Peppol specific document types.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.5 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.5
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.5 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.5
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.5 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.5
  • it.peppol:despatch-advice:2.2.9 - AGID Peppol Despatch Advice (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)
  • it.peppol:order:2.2.9 - AGID Peppol Order (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)
  • it.peppol:order-response:2.2.9 - AGID Peppol Order Response (2.2.9) (for BIS 3.0.6)

2021-03-29 - Code List update

The identifier verification page was updated to Peppol Code List 7.4.

2021-03-28 - phase4 1.2.0

phase4 1.2.0 was released.

2021-03-11 - Peppol eDEC Code Lists 7.4 released

The new Peppol eDEC Code Lists v7.4 were published today. They contain the list of known Peppol Document Type identifier, Peppol Participant Identifier Schemes, Peppol Process identifiers and Peppol Transport Profiles. All code lists are available in several formats from The list of changes is also available.

2021-02-05 - New page: Identifier Information

I added a new tool to the page, to check for Peppol identifier consistency. See the page and test IDs for yourself.

2021-02-04 - Peppol eDEC Code Lists 7.3 released

The new Peppol eDEC Code Lists v7.3 were published today. They contain the list of known Peppol Document Type identifier, Peppol Participant Identifier Schemes, Peppol Process identifiers and Peppol Transport Profiles. All code lists are available in several formats from The list of changes is also available.

2021-01-27 - phase4 0.14.0

phase4 0.14.0 was released. This release adds support for the ENTSOG AS4 profile, gracefully donated by Pavel Rotek.

2021-01-27 - Document Validation extended

Added support for EN 16931 validation rules 1.3.4.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.4 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.4
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.4 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.4
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.4 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.4

2021-01-15 - phoss SMP 5.3.2

phoss SMP 5.3.2 was released. This is a bug fix release, primarily interesting for all 5.3.x users using a MongoDB backend.

2021-01-07 - Document Validation extended

Added support for more SimplerInvoicing versions.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0.3 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote 2.0.3
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote: - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:1.2.3 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.2.3
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0.3 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.3
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice: - Simplerinvoicing Invoice
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0 (Deprecated)
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice20.g-account:1.0.1 - Simplerinvoicing 2.0 G-Account extension 1.0.1
  • org.simplerinvoicing:nlcius-cii:1.0.3 - NLCIUS-CII 1.0.3
  • org.simplerinvoicing:order:1.2.3 - Simplerinvoicing Order 1.2.3

2021-01-06 - Document Validation extended

Added support for XRechnung 2.0.1 rule sets.
Deprecated the XRechnung 1.2.2 rule sets.
Added support for Czech ISDOC 6.0.1 rule set.
Updated to UBL 2.3 CSD04 with two new document types

Added VESIDs are:

  • cz.isdoc:isdoc:6.0.1 - ISDOC 6.0.1
  • de.xrechnung:cii:2.0.1 - XRechnung CII 2.0.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:2.0.1 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 2.0.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:2.0.1 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.0.1
  • org.oasis-open:commontransportationreport:2.3-csd04 - UBL CommonTransportationReport 2.3-csd04
  • org.oasis-open:manifest:2.3-csd04 - UBL Manifest 2.3-csd04

2021-01-06 - Updated CII to UBL conversion

Happy New Year to all of you.

Updated to version 1.3.0 of the conversion rules. Slightly extended the JSON output to include the mapping version.

2020-12-04 - Document Validation extended

Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.6 rule sets.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.6 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.6
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.6 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.6

2020-11-25 - Document Validation extended

Added support for PEPPOL AU-NZ rules 1.0.4. Additionally the old 1.0.3 rules were deprecated.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.4 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.4
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.4 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.4
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.4 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.4
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.4 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.4

2020-11-19 - Document Validation extended again again

Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.5 rule sets. Additionally the old Peppol 3.10.1 and 3.11.0 rules were deprecated.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.5 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.5
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.5 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.5

2020-11-16 - Document Validation extended again

Added support for Peppol Fall Release 2020 corrigendum. They were published on November 12th and become mandatory today.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.11.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.11.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Order (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.11.1 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.11.1) (aka BIS 3.0.5 corrigendum)

2020-11-12 - Document Validation extended

This release brings a fix to the XRechnung 2.0.0 validation.
Additionally the Spanish Facturae 3.x and the Portuguese CIUS-PT 2.0.0 are now supported formats.

Added VESIDs are:

  • es.gob:facturae:3.0 - Facturae 3.0
  • es.gob:facturae:3.1 - Facturae 3.1
  • es.gob:facturae:3.2 - Facturae 3.2
  • es.gob:facturae:3.2.1 - Facturae 3.2.1
  • es.gob:facturae:3.2.2 - Facturae 3.2.2
  • - CIUS-PT UBL CrediteNote 2.0.0
  • - CIUS-PT UBL Invoice 2.0.0

2020-11-06 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Peppol Fall Release 2020. They were published on November 2nd and become mandatory on November 16th 2020.
Additionally support for XRechnung 2.0.0 (valid from January 1st 2021) was added.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.11.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.11.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.8)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.11.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.11.0) (aka BIS 3.0.5)
  • de.xrechnung:cii:2.0.0 - XRechnung CII 2.0.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:2.0.0 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 2.0.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:2.0.0 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 2.0.0

2020-11-03 - phoss SMP 5.3.1

phoss SMP 5.3.1 was released. This is a bug fix release, primarily interesting for all 5.3.0 users using an SQL backend.

2020-10-21 - SML registration extended

The participant lookup "Auto-Detect" now again favors "production" over "test". Thanks to Retarus for pointing that out.

The SML registration pages now also accept "https" URLs for non-Peppol registrations (e.g. for the CEF connectivity testing).

2020-10-19 - SML configuration extended

The internal management of SML configurations for participant lookup was improved.

Added support for EN 16931 1.3.3 validation rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.3 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.3
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.3 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.3
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.3 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.3

2020-08-31 - Document Validation extended

Added support for Finvoice and Svefaktura. Updated UBL 2.3 from csprd02 to csd03 including 3 new document types.

Added VESIDs are:

  • fi.finvoice:finvoice:1.3 - Finvoice 1.3
  • fi.finvoice:finvoice:2.0 - Finvoice 2.0
  • fi.finvoice:finvoice:2.0.1 - Finvoice 2.0.1
  • fi.finvoice:finvoice:3.0 - Finvoice 3.0
  • org.oasis-open:importcustomsdeclaration:2.3-csd03 - UBL ImportCustomsDeclaration 2.3-csd03
  • org.oasis-open:proofofreexportationreminder:2.3-csd03 - UBL ProofOfReexportationReminder 2.3-csd03
  • org.oasis-open:transitcustomsdeclaration:2.3-csd03 - UBL TransitCustomsDeclaration 2.3-csd03
  • se.sfti:object-envelope:1.0 - SvefakturaXML ObjectEnvelope 1.0
  • se.sfti:svefaktura:1.0 - SvefakturaXML 1.0

2020-07-22 - Document Validation extended

Added support for UBL.BE 1.2.3 rules. Version 1.2.0 was marked as deprecated.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.3 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.3
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.3 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.3

2020-07-07 - Document Validation extended

Added support for new Peppol Singapore as well as Peppol Australia-New Zealand rules.
Additionally fatturaPA support was added.
And the Peppol Spring Release 2020 Hotfix received another minor Hotfix in regards to the "0208" participant identifier scheme only.
Old VESIDs were deprecated.

From now on, the Document Validation Upload is exclusively available at The guys from ecosio are using my software as the basis, so you can trust they are delivering the same results as this page would do. The main reason is to divert some traffic away from this server.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.3 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.3
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.3 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.3
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.3 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.3
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.3 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.3
  • - SG PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.3
  • - SG PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.3
  • it.fatturapa:invoice:1.2.0 - fatturaPA 1.2.0
  • it.fatturapa:invoice:1.2.1 - fatturaPA 1.2.1

2020-06-16 - Document Validation - Peppol Spring Release 2020 Hotfix

Added support for Peppol 3.10.1 (Spring 2020 + Hotfix) validation rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:catalogue-response:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.10.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6 + Hotfix)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:despatch-advice:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.10.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6 + Hotfix)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice-message-response:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:mlr:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Order (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-agreement:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:order-response:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:punch-out:3.10.1 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.10.1) (aka BIS 3.0.4)

2020-06-09 - Document Validation - EHF G3 added

Added support for EHF G3 (version 2020-03-23) validation rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-cancellation:3.0.0 - EHF Advanced Order Cancellation 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-change:3.0.0 - EHF Advanced Order Change 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-initiation:3.0.0 - EHF Advanced Order Initiation 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:advanced-order-response:3.0.0 - EHF Advanced Order Response 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:catalogue:3.0.0 - EHF Catalogue 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:catalogue-response:3.0.0 - EHF Catalogue Response 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:despatch-advice:3.0.0 - EHF Despatch Advice 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:forward-billing-creditnote:3.0.1 - EHF Forward Billing CreditNote 3.0.1
  • no.ehf.g3:forward-billing-invoice:3.0.1 - EHF Forward Billing Invoice 3.0.1
  • no.ehf.g3:order:3.0.0 - EHF Order 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:order-agreement:3.0.0 - EHF Order Agreement 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:order-response:3.0.0 - EHF Order Response 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:payment-request:3.0.0 - EHF Payment Request 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:punch-out:3.0.0 - EHF Punch Out 3.0.0
  • no.ehf.g3:reminder:3.0.0 - EHF Reminder 3.0.0

2020-05-28 - Document Validation - EN 16931 1.3.2 added

Added support for EN 16931 1.3.2 validation rules. Deprecated the Peppol 3.9.0 and 3.9.1 validation rules in favour of 3.10.0.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.2 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.2
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.2 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.2
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.2 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.2

2020-05-07 - Document Validation - Peppol Spring Release 2020

Added support for Peppol 3.10.0 (Spring 2020) validation rules. Added support for ebInterface 6.0. Updated the Austrian Peppol rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • at.ebinterface:invoice:6.0 - ebInterface 6.0
  • eu.peppol.bis2:t10:6:at - OpenPeppol Invoice (Austria)
  • eu.peppol.bis2:t10:8:at-gov - OpenPeppol Invoice (Austrian Government)
  • eu.peppol.bis2:t14:6:at - OpenPeppol Credit Note (Austria)
  • eu.peppol.bis2:t14:8:at-gov - OpenPeppol Credit Note (Austrian Government)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.10.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.10.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.6)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.10.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.10.0) (aka BIS 3.0.4)

2020-04-22 - Improved customizability of participant information

The participant information page has now options to enable or disable both XML Schema validation as well as signature verification. The REST API was also extended with new query parameters for the same options.

2020-03-20 - Document Validation - Peppol AU-NZ updated to 1.0.2

Added support for Peppol AU-NZ 1.0.2 validation rules. Deprecated Peppol AU-NZ 1.0.1 rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.2 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.2
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.2 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.2
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.2 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.2 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL) 1.0.2

2020-03-16 - Document Validation - introduction of rate limit

To avoid that the server goes down because of the many validation requests, I needed to introduce a rate limit. That means that you cannot do more than 2 validations per seconds. If you are looking for a commercial solution, don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form.

2020-03-12 - Document Validation - UBL.BE 1.2 added

Added support for UBL.BE 1.2 validation rules. Deprecated UBL.BE 1.1 rules.
Also deprecated the OpenPeppol 3.7.0 rules that were used for BIS v2 validation.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.2.0 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.2.0
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.2.0 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.2.0

2020-03-10 - Proposed CEF SMK/SML Security Configuration changes

On March 16th, CEF will update the https configuration for the SMK. The production SML will follow at least 4 weeks later.
Therefore all SMP providers must ensure to be able to communicate with this new configuration. I've created a phoss SMP Wiki page that assembles the Java software dependencies. To my knowledge all phoss SMP 5.x instances should continue to work without any changes needed.

2020-03-09 - Document Validation - EN 16931 1.3.1 added

Added support for EN 16931 1.3.1 validation rules. Deprecated EN 16931 1.3.0 as well as the EN 16931 EDIFACT/ISO 20625 1.0.0 rules.
The CII to UBL conversion rules were updated to v1.2.0.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.1 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.1 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.1 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.1

2020-02-11 - Document Validation - Peppol Hotfix added, EHF G2 updated

Added support for OpenPeppol 3.9.1 validation rules - the changes are only in Invoice and CreditNote. Updated to the latest EHF G2 validation rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.9.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5 + Hotfix)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.9.1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5 + Hotfix)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Order (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.9.1 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.9.1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • no.ehf:catalogue:1.0.15 - EHF Catalogue 1.0.15
  • no.ehf:catalogue-response:1.0.15 - EHF Catalogue Response 1.0.15
  • no.ehf:creditnote:2.0.17 - EHF Creditnote 2.0.17
  • no.ehf:despatch-advice:1.0.12 - EHF Despatch Advice 1.0.12
  • no.ehf:invoice:2.0.17 - EHF Invoice 2.0.17
  • no.ehf:order:1.0.13 - EHF Ordering 1.0.13
  • no.ehf:order-agreement:1.0.4 - EHF Order Agreement 1.0.4
  • no.ehf:order-response:1.0.13 - EHF Order Response 1.0.13
  • no.ehf:punch-out:1.0.3 - EHF Punch Out 1.0.3

2020-02-07 - Document Validation - UBL.BE 1.1 added

Added support for UBL.BE 1.1 validation rules. Deprecated UBL.BE 1.0, e-FFF Invoice 3.0.0 and e-FFF Credit Note 3.0.0 rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • be.ubl:credit-note:1.1.0 - UBL.BE Credit Note 1.1.0
  • be.ubl:invoice:1.1.0 - UBL.BE Invoice 1.1.0

2020-02-01 - AS4 now mandatory in the Peppol network

Per today, AS4 according to the Peppol AS4 profile is the mandatory protocol in the Peppol eDelivery network. You can still use AS2 but only using the Peppol AS2 v2 profile.

2020-01-24 - phoss SMP 5.2.1

phoss SMP 5.2.1 was released. This is a bug fix release and ships with a new logo.

2020-01-13 - Extended REST API

The algorithm to determine all document types of an SMP participant was improved to handle IDs case insensitive (thanks Jelte).
The REST API documentation was improved, and the output of the "serviceinfo" query was extended to also contain the certificate details (thanks Peter).
A new REST API to convert EN 16931 CII D16B documents to EN 16931 UBL documents (thanks Michaël).
Additionally document validation was extended to support XRechnung Validation 1.2.2 (and deprecated 1.2.1)

Added VESIDs are:

  • de.xrechnung:cii:1.2.2 - XRechnung CII 1.2.2
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:1.2.2 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 1.2.2
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:1.2.2 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2.2

2019-12-18 - Document Validation - Peppol SG 1.0.2 added

Added support for Peppol SG 1.0.2 validation rules. Deprecated Peppol SG v1.0.0 (v1) rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • - SG PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL) 1.0.2
  • - SG PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL) 1.0.2

2019-12-16 - SimplerInvoicing 2.0.2 added

Added support for SimplerInvoicing 2.0.2 validation rules. Deprecated SimplerInvoicing v2.0.1 rules.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0.2 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote 2.0.2
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0.2 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.2

2019-12-09 - SimplerInvoicing 2.0.1 added

Added support for SimplerInvoicing 2.0.1 validation rules. Deprecated SimplerInvoicing v2.0.0 rules.
Updated the Participant Information tool to better handle the process ID linked to the document type.

Added VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0.1 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote 2.0.1
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0.1 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0.1

2019-12-03 - Participant Information extended

The participant information tool now contains an extended check for the validity of Peppol certificates. Additionally the error handling for invalid Business Cards was improved.

Also the link to the document validation upload page was modified, to avoid naming confusion. Old links are of course still valid.

2019-11-22 - Document validation updated

Updated the Peppol Australia and New Zealand validation rules. The old version 1.0.1 is now called 1.0.0 and is marked as deprecated whereas the "new" version 1.0.1 represents the real "version 1.0.1". Usually this should not happen, but every start can be tricky ;-)
Effectively eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.1 was changed to eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.0 and marked as deprecated, and a new rule set is now used for eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.1.

2019-11-18 - extended REST API

The REST API for arbitrary SMP querying with JSON output was extended to allow for querying the BusinessCard only. Additionally the Peppol Validation artefacts version 3.8.1 were deprecated. And the Participant information tool was extended to optionally show timing information about the query duration.

2019-11-08 - Document validation updated

Added 86 new UBL 2.3-CSPRD01 document types. The VESIDs are org.oasis-open:*:2.3-csprd01

2019-11-03 - Document validation updated

Replaced the Peppol 3.9.0-rc1 artefacts with the 3.9.0 release artefacts.

Updated VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.9.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.9.0) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.9.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.9.0) (aka BIS 3.0.3)

2019-10-31 - Minor update

The IDs of 2 new validation artefacts were changed:

  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:credit-note-self-billing:1.0.1eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote:1.0.1
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:credit-note-self-billing:1.0.1eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:creditnote-self-billing:1.0.1

2019-10-22 - Document validation extended

The latest Peppol A-NZ validation artefacts are contained, as well as the PEPPOL 3.9.0-RC1 (Fall 2019) validation artefacts.

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS Billing 3.0.5)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Order (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.9.0-rc1 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.9.0-rc1) (aka BIS 3.0.3)
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:credit-note:1.0.1 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote (UBL)
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:credit-note-self-billing:1.0.1 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 CreditNote Self-Billing (UBL)
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice:1.0.1 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice (UBL)
  • eu.peppol.bis3.aunz.ubl:invoice-self-billing:1.0.1 - A-NZ PEPPOL BIS3 Invoice Self-Billing (UBL)

2019-10-14 - Document validation extended

The latest PEPPOL SG validation artefacts are contained, as well as the new EN 16931 validation artefacts (v1.3.0)

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.3.0 - EN 16931 CII 1.3.0
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.3.0 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.3.0
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.3.0 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.3.0

2019-09-07 - added REST API

The new REST API for arbitrary SMP querying with JSON output was introduced.

2019-08-21 - Planned DNS maintenance on August 28th

According to a mail sent out by CEF, the PEPPOL DNS and the SML will not be available on August 28th between 18:00 and 19:00 CEST because of maintenance:

A maintenance will be carried out on DNS in production environment. After the intervention, users will be able to verify the DNS response validity. More information on it could be found here.

CEF eDelivery Support mail August 7th

The implications are, that a document exchange will not possible during that time, because the necessary DNS resolution will not work.

The activation of DNSSEC failed in that maintenance window and will be retried on a different date and time.

2019-07-21 - Document validation extended

The new OpenPeppol validation artefacts (v3.8.1) that will be mandatory from August 15th are now contained. Also SimplerInvoicing validation artefacts were updated.

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Order (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.8.1)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.8.1 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.8.1)
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:1.0 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.0 (Deprecated)

Dropped VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:1.1:strict - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 1.1 (strict)

2019-07-17 - Participant information tool update

The participant information tool now knows the predefined document types of PEPPOL (CodeList v4) and TOOP (0.10.5 release) and highlights them accordingly.

2019-07-12 - Document validation extended

XRechnung 1.2.1 validation artefacts were added. EN 16031 1.2.3 validation artefacts were added.

New VESIDs are:

  • de.xrechnung:cii:1.2.1 - XRechnung CII 1.2.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:1.2.1 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 1.2.1
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:1.2.1 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.2.3 - EN 16931 CII 1.2.3
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.2.3 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2.3
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.2.3 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.2.3

2019-06-30 - Document validation extended

The new EHF validation artefacts were added.

New VESIDs are:

  • no.ehf:catalogue:1.0.14 - EHF Catalogue 1.0.14
  • no.ehf:catalogue-response:1.0.14 - EHF Catalogue Response 1.0.14
  • no.ehf:creditnote:2.0.16 - EHF Creditnote 2.0.16
  • no.ehf:despatch-advice:1.0.11 - EHF Despatch Advice 1.0.11
  • no.ehf:invoice:2.0.16 - EHF Invoice 2.0.16
  • no.ehf:order:1.0.12 - EHF Ordering 1.0.12
  • no.ehf:order-agreement:1.0.3 - EHF Order Agreement 1.0.3
  • no.ehf:order-response:1.0.12 - EHF Order Response 1.0.12
  • no.ehf:punch-out:1.0.2 - EHF Punch Out 1.0.2

2019-06-11 - Documentation update

A new article on the interplay between SMP and SML was added. It contains the details on the one time registrations and the per-participant actions needed. Also XRechnung 1.2.0 validation support was added.

New VESIDs are:

  • de.xrechnung:cii:1.2.0 - XRechnung CII 1.2.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-creditnote:1.2.0 - XRechnung UBL CrediteNote 1.2.0
  • de.xrechnung:ubl-invoice:1.2.0 - XRechnung UBL Invoice 1.2.0

2019-05-21 - TOOP integration improved

The participant information tool now also works with the TOOP pilot. Previously requests for TOOP participants were rejected, because the TOOP SMP certificate was not in the truststore. Additionally a new article on "Certificate Update" was published.

2019-05-15 - Document validation extended

PEPPOL v3.8.0 validation rules (Spring release 2019) are now contained. Important note: this is the first release that only contains BIS v3 validation artefacts. T10 and T14 validation artefacts must be taken from Billing BIS v3.

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.peppol.bis3:creditnote:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Credit Note (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:invoice:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t01:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Order (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t110:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Order Agreement (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t111:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Invoice Message Response (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t16:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Despatch Advice (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t19:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t58:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Catalogue Response (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t71:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol MLR (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t76:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Order Response (3.8.0)
  • eu.peppol.bis3:t77:3.8.0 - OpenPeppol Punch Out (3.8.0)

2019-05-14 - Document validation extended

EN 16931 rules v1.2.1 for CII and UBL are now contained.

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.2.1 - EN 16931 CII 1.2.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.2.1 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2.1
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.2.1 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.2.1

2019-04-26 - Document validation extended

EN 16931 rules v1.2.0 for CII and UBL are now contained.

New VESIDs are:

  • eu.cen.en16931:cii:1.2.0 - EN 16931 CII 1.2.0
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl:1.2.0 - EN 16931 UBL Invoice 1.2.0
  • eu.cen.en16931:ubl-creditnote:1.2.0 - EN 16931 UBL CreditNote 1.2.0

2019-04-19 - Document validation updated

OIOUBL validation was updated, Energie EFactuur 3.0.0 rules were added, and SimplerInvoicing rules were updated from 2.0-RC1 to 2.0 final.

New VESIDs are:

  • nl.energie-efactuur:energie-efactuur:3.0.0 - Energie eFactuur 3.0.0
  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote 2.0
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0

Removed VESIDs are:

  • org.simplerinvoicing:creditnote:2.0:RC1 - Simplerinvoicing CreditNote 2.0 RC1
  • org.simplerinvoicing:invoice:2.0:RC1 - Simplerinvoicing Invoice 2.0 RC1

2019-04-18 - EN 16931 is in effect

Today is the day, that the receiving of electronic eInvoices according to the EN 16931 becomes mandatory for certain public entities. The second part of public entities will join in exactly one year, on 2020-04-18.

2019-04-18 - PEPPOL Billing BIS v3 is now mandatory

From today on it is mandatory to be able to send and receive Billing BIS v3 documents. The support for Billing BIS v2 documents is now optional. As a document sender it means, you need to perform an SMP lookup with a different document type and your UBL creation need to follow the changed rules. As a document receiver you need to register the endpoint with the new document type and you need to be able to interpret the changed UBL content.

2019-03-27 - 11th OpenPeppol General Assembly in Brussels

The GA took place on March 27th from 09:00 till 12:30. The rest of Tuesday and Wednesday is filled with CC member meetings. The new PEPPOL Authorities Singapore and Australia were presented, we even had visitors from the US. Additionally OpenPeppol and GS1 signed a Memorandum of Understanding to generate further benefits for their users.

2019-03-20 - phoss SMP 5.1.0

phoss SMP 5.1.0 was released. This is a security and feature update release. Especially the REST API was improved to be more consistent, robust and configurable.

2019-03-10 - Document validation updated

EHF validation was updated to the latest rule set. Now it is based on the PEPPOL 3.7.0 rule set, so expect slightly different results.

2019-02-04 - Document validation updated

PEPPOL.SG Invoice and CrediteNote were added. Additionally SimplerInvoicing 2.0.0 RC1 Invoice and CrediteNote were added.

2019-01-28 - PEPPOL TICC News

TICC CMB decided today to release the PEPPOL Policy for use of Identifiers v4. The new policy applies to all BIIS v3 and newer only - old BIS should stick with BIS v3.x which was also updated. The difference between policy v3.1 and v3.2 is only the paragraph describing that the policy only applies to old BIS versions.

Additionally the new AS2 profile version 1.2 was approved and scheduled for later usage. The new version makes the usage of SHA-256 mandatory compared to the old SHA-1. The policy is not yet in effect because a transition period is needed. The details of this transition period are currently worked on.

2019-01-26 - Participant Information queries Business Cards

The participant information tool can now optionally query and display the Business Cards from the SMP.

2019-01-18 - PEPPOL TICC News

TICC CMB decided today to release PEPPOL code lists version 4. This includes the code lists for Participant identifier schemes, Document types, Processes and Transport profiles.

Additionally the PEPPOL policy for use of identifiers version 4 Public Review Draft 1 (PRD1) was released. Please provide comments in the Google online spreadsheet until Sunday, January 27th. It is a major update, with alignment to BIS 3 documents etc. Because of external time constraints we cannot make the review period any longer.

2019-01-16 - Document validation updated

UBL.BE Invoice and CreditNote 1.0.0 was added.

2018-11-22 - Document validation updated

Final PEPPOL 3.7.0 rules are now supported. PEPPOL 3.4.0 and 3.7.0.RC1 rules were removed.

2018-11-09 - Document validation corrected

What I previously UBL.BE 3.0 is in reality e-FFF 3.0. The UBL.BE validations are still work in progress. The changes are reflected also in ph-bdve 5.0.6.

2018-11-07 - Document validation extended

PEPPOL 3.7.0.RC1 and UBL.BE 3.0 Invoice and Credit Note are now supported.

2018-10-30 - phoss SMP 5.0.8

phoss SMP 5.0.8 was released. This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes and a security fix as well.

2018-10-30 - 10th OpenPeppol General Assembly in Brussels

The next OpenEPPOL event in Brussels is the 10th GA as well as a set of CC meetings. The GA takes place on October 30th from 16:00 till 18:00. The rest of Tuesday and Wednesday is filled with CC member meetings.

2018-09-28 - OpenPeppol Envelope specification 1.1.1 was released

The new version of the OpenPeppol Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) specification was released and is in effect immediately. It fixes a minor glitch in the 1.1 version.

2018-09-18 - OpenPeppol Envelope specification 1.1 was released

The new version of the OpenPeppol Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) specification was released and is in effect immediately. It is backwards compatible to version 1.0. Major improvements are the explicit provisioning of document type and process identifier schemes as well as the support for custom attributes inside the SBDH.

2018-07-25 - OASIS BDXR SMP 2.0 Public Review Draft 1

First public review of SMP 2.0 specification has started. The public review starts July 26 at 00:00 UTC and ends August 24, 2018 at 23:59 UTC.

2018-06-26 - Document validation extended

EN 16931 1.1.0 validation artefacts are now supported. The old EN 16931 1.0.0 validation artefacts are now deprecated.

2018-06-15 - Document validation extended

PEPPOL Billing BIS 3 Invoice and CreditNote can be validated. Additionally EN 16931 UBL CreditNotes can now also be validated.

2018-06-14 - PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers 3.1 release

The new PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers version 3.1 was released. Note: the main purpose was only to separate the content from the code list documents. No content changes were performed.

2018-06-04 - phoss SMP 5.0.6

phoss SMP 5.0.6 was released. This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes and a new Status API.

2018-05-30 - Document validation extended

Tieto TEAPPS 2.7.2 and 3.0 documents can now be validated. Additionally Austrian ebInterface documents can now be validated as well.

2018-05-21 - New OpenPeppol Support Process

Important note: the existing email addresses and will be DISCONTINUED. Instead a new support website was created: It currently allows to perform the following actions:

  • PKI Certificate Request
  • Request for Change (RFC)
  • General support
  • Report a bug
  • Compliance Issue - the denunciation tool

2018-05-15 - Introducing SMP Certificate update tool

The page with SMP - SML tools now has a possibility to prepare the update of a PEPPOL SMP certificate in the SMK/SML.

2018-05-15 - PEPPOL AS2 specification 1.01

The updated PEPPOL AS2 specification 1.01 will be in effect by June 1st. The sole difference compared to the old version is the mandatory usage of TLS 1.2 for communication.

2018-05-08 - Spring release artefacts are final

The 2018 Spring release of the PEPPOL Post Award validation artefacts is available (v3.6.0). They will be mandatory from 2018-05-14 12:00 CEST.

2018-04-23 - PEPPOL PKI v3 explained

The page with PEPPOL PKI explanation was updated for the new OpenPeppol PKI v3.

2018-04-16 - phoss SMP 5.0.5

phoss SMP 5.0.5 was released. This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes in the area of PEPPOL Directory. This release is compliant with the new OpenPeppol v3 PKI.

2018-04-11 - OpenPeppol Newsletter

PEPPOL Members should be able to see it in Confluence. All others can download and read the PDF version.

Important timeline for the PKI migration:

  • 16 April 2018: the certificate issuing process will begin and members are urged to request their PKI v3 certificate
  • 31 August 2018: OpenPeppol will no longer issue the old certificate types
  • 3 September 2018: the new certificates can be used in production
  • 30 November 2018: the old certificates will be revoked and cannot be used in the PEPPOL eDelivery Network

2018-03-27 - phoss SMP 5.0.4

phoss SMP 5.0.4 was released. This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes and additional customizing possibilities. This is the first release that supports the new OpenPeppol v3 PKI.

2018-03-21 - 9th OpenPeppol General Assembly

The 9th GA was held in Brussels. Unfortunately not enough members were present to make statute changes (would have required 2/3 present or proxied).

2018-02-28 - PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 published

OpenPeppol published their EN16931 CIUS for PEPPOL invoices as version 3.0. By 2019-04-18 every PEPPOL member receiving invoices according to BIS 4A or BIS 5A must support this new BIS. Starting with 2019-12-31 only BIS 3.0 documents may be circulated.

2018-02-21 - Document validation extended - again

Energie EFactuur 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 documents can now be validated. EN16931 rules v1.0.0 are now contained.

2018-02-07 - Document validation extended - again

OIOUBL documents can now be validated. Additionally a bug concerning the UBL validation of EN 16931 documents was fixed (#49).

2018-02-05 - Validation Webservice changed

The semantics of the WebService response slightly changed. The success attribute is now also set to true if only warnings occur. So now it is consistent with the upload validation.

2018-02-02 - Document validation extended

Dutch Energie eFactuur Invoices can now be validated. Additionally a bug concerning the CII validation of EN 16931 documents was fixed (#47).

2018-01-17 - Document validation extended

Now also EHF documents types can be validated. The respective VESIDs all start with no.ehf. Additionally validation rule sets for "pure UBL" and "pure CII" validation were added.

2017-12-20 - PEPPOL AS4 profile published

Version 1.0 of the PEPPOL AS4 profile was published. It is meant to be used for pre- and post-award document exchange. Currently there is not fixed plan on when (and if) the format becomes mandatory to be used in the PEPPOL network.

2017-11-01 - Fall release artefacts are final

The 2017 Fall release of the PEPPOL Post Award validation artefacts is available (v3.5.0). They will be mandatory from 2017-11-15 12:00 CEST.

2017-10-23 - eInvoicing Standard Launch Event

On 23 October 2017, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), in close collaboration with CEF eInvoicing, will host an event around the publication of the EN eInvoicing standard in Brussels.

The objective of this launch event is to celebrate the official publication of the standard and to provide a platform for the public and private sector to exchange views and expertise with regard to approaches for the implementation of the Directive and conformance to the standard to reap the benefits of electronic invoicing.

More details can be found on the registration page - participation is free of charge!

2017-10-17 - EN 16931 officially published in the OJ

Read more about EN 16931, CEN/TC 434 and all the fuzz around it at a special page.

2017-10-13 -

A new page on e-Invoicing started: powered by GEFEG. Articles on e-Invoicing in German, French and English. Enjoy reading.

2017-09-15 - Fall release RC1

The 2017 Fall release of the PEPPOL Post Award validation artefacts is available. The review deadline is 2017-10-15 12:00 CEST.

2017-09-01 - PEPPOL Directory news

The PEPPOL Directory test version was shut down and there are now two official PEPPOL Directory sites available:

2017-07-27 -

Check out who's UBL ready @

2017-07-21 - phoss SMP 5.0.3

phoss SMP 5.0.3 was released. This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes.

2017-06-01 - PP update

Todays PEPPOL practical update is mainly for improved Simplerinvoicing validation. The version 1.1 was restored and 1.2 validation was fixed.

2017-05-31 - CIPA SMP 3.0 announcement

As announced today the CIPA SMP 3.0 which will be released soon will only comply to the OASIS SMP specification but NOT to the PEPPOL SMP specification. So from a PEPPOL perspective there's currently no need to plan an update. But that may of course trigger a quicker transition of PEPPOL from the PEPPOL SMP specification to the OASIS SMP specification... another TICC todo.

2017-05-22 - Participant information tool improved

The participant information tool now has an "Auto-detect SML" feature and also tries to print a few information even if a request fails.

2017-05-19 - TICC Codelist Team (TCT) founded

A new PEPPOL TICC team was founded to take care of the "PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers" as well the basic codelists for transmission (identifier issuing agencies, document type, processes and transport protocols). The new team is lead by me and if you want to actively participate, please drop me a note. The initial telephone conference is planned for June 8th or 9th.

2017-05-17 - Spring release Update

Because some changes from RC1 to final were missing, the artefacts were re-released. PEPPOL Practical was using the correct artefacts from the beginning!

2017-05-15 - PEPPOL Practical update

As the new validation rules take effect today, I added them right away. Additionally the PEPPOL Dictionary was updated.

2017-05-12 - Spring release - validation artefacts 3.4.0

The BIS2 document validation with OpenPeppol validation artefacts 3.4.0 was released.

2017-05-08/09 - OpenPeppol F2F meeting in Vienna

We had a lovely two day F2F meeting hosted by BRZ. Approx. 70 people were attending. The first day started with an introduction section for newcomers and continued with a lot of presentation on what's going on. The second day had more of a workshop character with interactive sessions and that was highly appreciated by the attendees.

2017-04-07 - New PEPPOL website online

Finally the new PEPPOL website is live. It's definitively a great improvement. Check it out at

2017-04-04 - phoss SMP 5.0.2

phoss SMP 5.0.2 was released. This is a maintenance release with PEPPOL Directory API support.

2017-03-31 - PEPPOL PKI explained

A documentation on the PEPPOL PKI was started. Click here to read the details.

Additionally a new page called PEPPOL Dictionary was started. It tries to collect all the terms and abbreviations commonly used in PEPPOL. Check the PEPPOL Dictionary.

2017-03-21 - 8th PEPPOL General Assembly

  • Hans Berg from Tickstar was elected the new TICC (Transport Infrastructure Coordinating Community) leader.
  • Sören Pedersen was re-elected as POACC (Post Award Coordinating Community) leader.

2017-03-17 - EN 16931-1 has been approved unanimously

The first parts of the European Norm for e-Invoicing have been finally approved.

  • The EN 16931-1 (invoice model) has been approved with 25 positive votes, no negative votes (100%)
  • The CEN/TS 16931-2 (list of syntaxes) has been approved with 24 positive votes, no negative votes (100%)

Now PEPPOL can move forward on adopting the EN in their BIS.

2017-02-07 - Document Validation Service updated

Finally the new Document Validation Webservice is provided. Click here for Webservice details. This Webservice allows you to use all validations also available on the manual validation page.

Additionally the CEN/TC 434 / EN 16931 validation artefact drafts (!) as of today are available for usage in validation!

2017-01-26 - Validation updated

Finally the BIS2 document validation with OpenPeppol validation artefacts 3.3.0 is available. Additionally support for Simplerinvoicing 1.1 was added. Click here to validate your business document.

2016-11-25 - London F2F slides available

The slides of the presentations from the London face to face meeting are now available:


I added a new page that explains the document exchange. It shows how the PEPPOL participant ID, the DNS and the SMP work together.

Additionally the participant information page was changed so that arbitrary participant identifier schemes can be tested.

2016-11-15 - phoss SMP 5.0.0

phoss logo

Finally the CEF conformance testing was finished successfully so I'm proud to present to you phoss SMP. This is now the official project name of the previous "ph-peppol-smp-server". Compared to RC2 no functional changes were performed - just UI beautifications. To see version 5.0 in action have a look at If you want to learn more about phoss SMP features, just request a demo user (via email or the contact form).

2016-11-14 - Validation artefacts 3.3.0

OpenPeppol PoACC fall release published. They get mandatory by 2016-11-15 (12:00 CET).

2016-11-07 - PEPPOL SMP Server 5.0.0-RC2

Update to my PEPPOL SMP Server.
Includes some functional improvements.

2016-10-13 - PEPPOL SMP Server 5.0.0-RC1

Update to my PEPPOL SMP Server.
Once the conformance test with CEF is finished, version 5.0.0 will be released!

2016-10-05 - Validation artefacts 3.3.0-RC1

OpenPeppol PoACC fall release published for review. They get mandatory by 2016-11-15 (12:00 CET).
In this version OpenPeppol decided to no longer maintain the ODS files, and instead directly work on the Schematron files - what a pitty.

2016-09-20 - OASIS SMP Spec 1.0 CS 03 release

OASIS is pleased to announce the approval and publication of a new Committee Specification by the members of the OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC:
Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 1.0, Committee Specification 03
Note: this SMP specification is not yet used in OpenPeppol, but there are plans to do so in the future.
Note: my SMP Server 5.0.0-Beta1 already supports this specification version!

2016-09-19 - OpenPeppol planing to switch to AS4

In a Letter of Understanding (LoU) signed between the Commission and OpenPeppol, the parties agree a plan for the transition from AS2 to AS4 in the PEPPOL profile of CEF eDelivery. As part of this, support for SMP/SML lookup and PKI specifications as used in the PEPPOL eDelivery network will continue in the CEF eDelivery architecture.

2016-09-19 - SML 3.0 deployed

Finally the production SML was updated to version 3.

2016-08-06 - PEPPOL SMP Server v5 Beta 1 is out.

It improves integration with PEPPOL Directory as well as customizability in general. Look on GitHub Wiki for further details.


PEPPOL SMP Server v5 is approaching. It improves integration with PEPPOL Directory as well as customizability in general. Compared to previous versions, this version needs a JDK 8 to run. Look on GitHub for further details.

2016-05-20 - Validation artefacts 3.2.0

PEPPOL Validation Artefacts 3.2.0 were released. The latest version can be found at Resources/BIS v2/

2016-03-20 - SMP Server 4.1.2 release

SMP Server release 4.1.2 is out. Refer to News and noteworthy in the SMP Server Wiki.

2015-12-07 - SMP Server 4.1.0 release

SMP Server release 4.1.0 is out. Refer to News and noteworthy in the SMP Server Wiki.

2015-11-09 - SMP Server 4.0.3 release

SMP Server release 4.0.3 is out. It fixes the problem that service group deletions were not propagated to the SML when using the SQL backend and adds an overview page with all tasks and action items.


The SMK release was updated to version 3.0.1 which fixes most of the mentioned problems.


My SMP Server 4.0.2 was released. It fixes the compatibility problems introduced by the SMK 3.0.0 release. If you are only using the SML client library, please make sure to use at least version 4.3.1.


Here is a list of issues I've identified with the new SMK 3.0.0:

  • The handling of participant IDs is now case-sensitive (this is not compliant with the BusDox spec)
  • The name of the list DNS servlet changed from "listdns" to "listDNS"
  • The "delete participant" API now requires a valid SMP-ID to be provided (this is incompatible with existing SML client solutions) - the respective changes are contained in my peppol-sml-client as of version 4.3.1
  • The SMK now accepts any participant identifier schemes that are incompatible to the BusDox specs


Finally a first version of the BIS2 document validation is available on this page. Click here to validate your business document.


A new version (3.0.0) of the SMK (not SML) was deployed by DIGIT. It contains the following new features:

  • Enhances compliance with SML specification
  • Adds support for Oasis BDXL specification
  • U-NAPTR and CNAME records
  • Adds service to allow SMP to change their certificate
  • Support for multiple business domains
  • Support for DNSSEC
  • Enhances logging
  • Enhances users and roles management
  • Enhances unit and integration testing
  • Enhances database versioning with Liquibase
  • Adds support for certificate revocation check (CRL)
  • Work managers to limit the load on servers for guaranteed performance (Weblogic only)
  • Fixes EDELIVERY-294: Improve the signature of the SML Read Service Metadata service
  • New monitoring service
  • New service to list all participants (PEPPOL Yellow Pages)


If you are still using PEPPOL LIME there is good news for you. I grabbed the deprecated CIPA component and am providing a LIME server and client based on AS2. Have a look at it at


Added information about my new SMP release 4.0.0. It includes a management GUI for easily creating service groups, endpoints and redirects. Read all the details or quick start at


Added information about the SML support since these information are hard to find if you can't find the original email anymore. Read all the details.

New versions of my SMP server will be released soon. Version 4 of peppol-smp-server ships with a brand new administration interface that gives you the possibility to manage your endpoints with nice forms directly in the browser.

The development of the PEPPOL Yellow Pages progresses. Follow the development on GitHub at peppol-yellow-pages. Helping hands are always welcome.


New PEPPOL validation artefacts are out for review. The ZIP file with the Schematron and XSLT files can be downloaded. Release notes are also available.
Deadline for submitting comments to is October 1st 2015.


On June 9th the SML migration from BRZ to the EC took place. Read this page for all the details!

2015-04-02 - New PEPPOL SMP server implementation available

Based on the CIPA SMP server 2.2.3 I decided to fork my own clone of a PEPPOL SMP. It is available in 2 different versions:

  • peppol-smp-server - an SMP server that uses a relational database (like MySQL) as the backend.
  • peppol-smp-server-lightweight - an SMP server that uses a file-based backend and keeps all information in main memory for performance reasons. Additionally it includes a small management UI.

Both SMP servers use shared components also available on GitHub: peppol-commons, peppol-smp-client and peppol-sml-client.

2014-11-13 - as2-peppol-server released

Based on my previous projects as2-lib, as2-peppol-servlet and ph-ubl and peppol-sbdh I created a minimal PEPPOL AS2 server for receiving PEPPOL AS2 messages. The project as2-peppol-server is located on GitHub and available as OSS under the Apache 2.0 license.

2014-11-05 - CIPA 2.2.3 released

CIPA 2.2.3 is a minor update that basically extends the SMP client and the SML client library functionality. Additionally the class ConfiguredDNSMapper got deprecated because I assume it is of no further need as the original author (BRZ) no longer needs it (for quite some time now).

2014-10-20 - SSL 3.0 vulnerability - POODLE

Because of the SSL 3.0 vulnerability called POODLE (see certain PEPPOL APs may disable SSL 3.0 on their systems.

For the Oracle Java Runtime the code of the AccessPointClient is fine. So when you are using the Oracle JDK no further actions need to be taken. But when using the IBM Java Runtime please make sure that you set the constant SSL_PROTOCOL in class AccessPointClient from SSL to TLS.

A new release of the cipa-start-client was build, which fixes this problem for IBM JDKs. The version number of the fix release is 2.2.2-1 and it can be found in the Joinup Nexus (binary format - and in the CIPA SVN (sources -

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